
Had to skip a couple of concerts to update you on what happened tonight 🙂

James Morrison  

Just got back from an amazing little private showcase by James Morrison. I always liked his music and his voice, but tonight I must say, it was a special night. Honestly, I don’t know what it is about these showcases and the small venues, but the music just sounded so much better than in a big stadium!

Before getting on stage, James headed out to the terrace infront of the venue (yes, infront.. like in: right next to the entrance where everyone was waiting to get in) to cool down a little (it was hot inside) and have a smoke. Unbelievable, he just sat there, I’m sure everyone noticed him there, but no one would go and bother him or talk to him. Hahaaha, I’m sure this can only happen in Switzerland…  

Pretty much on time at 7pm James got on stage and started playing a couple of new songs. As expected, they were just as good as his old hits. He was in a very good mood, despite the almost unbearable heat at the venue. It felt like 40° at times. You give me something and nothing ever hurt like you where the two final songs which were very much enjoyed by the audience.  

It was a great evening! Here are a few pictures, enjoy!

Zwei Leidenschaften zählen in Shirleys Leben, die Musik und das Reisen. In Verbindung besucht sie auch oft Konzerte im Ausland. Im Jahr müssen es mindestens 25 Konzerte sein, die sie nicht selten in der 1. Reihe verbringt. Shirley stellt euch ab und zu tolle, noch eher unbekannte Künstler, aus aller Welt vor. Update: Shirley führt seit einiger Zeit einen eigenen Blog: Loads of Music

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